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Qual-Tek designed and installed the siren control system which warned the people of this town and got them to safety.


Qual-Tek is primarily a design and development corporation. We specialize in custom tailored solutions (not "off the rack"). Here are a couple of examples of the type of equipment we have developed which are currently being used by the emergency service industry.

9-1-1 Route Transfer Control System

Whenever a community’s PSAP (primary location where 9-1-1 calls are answered) is out of service, emergency calls must be routed to an alternate location. Many systems are available to accomplish this. However, they use the same telephone company equipment, software and network resources as the primary route. Since this is often the cause of the PSAP being unavailable in the first place, a better solution is needed.

Qual-Tek designed a system which allows the emergency service personnel to transfer traffic to secondary lines which do not use the same resources. This system also has the capability of monitoring and testing the secondary emergency lines to assure their availability when they are needed.

Siren Control System

Qual-Tek developed a small, inexpensive system to control the Civil Defense or tornado sirens in virtually any size community. The system consists of a master siren control unit and one or more remote units located in telephone company offices. In a small community, both units can be installed in a single mounting.

An ordinary telephone connected to the master unit is used to control the sirens. Commands are input from the keypad using standard DTMF signaling. Audible responses are returned through the phone to inform the user of the state of the sirens. All facilities are monitored and alarmed to ensure reliablility.

An optional controller can be added to automatically test the sirens at scheduled times. This device also provides multiple cadences for different types of warnings.

If you were unable to find exactly what you were looking for, please fill out our Inquiry Form and ask about our ability to create custom solutions to fit your needs.

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